A) BN Push Press + BN Jerk: 70-75/5+2*4 sets
B) DL: 60/6, 70/5, 80/4, 85/3, 90/2, 95/1*3 sets, rest as needed
C) FS: 50/10 55/10 60/10 65/10 Deload Week
A1) Strict Press x 5 reps x 6 sets AHAP, rest 60 sec
A2) Weighted Pullup/Chinup (alternate each set) x 5 reps x 6 sets, rest 60 sec
10 Rounds:
40m prowler push: alternate high handles and low handles each round (200/150, complete on concrete if possible, if not decrease load)
8 Double KB Snatch (53/35, do not have to touch ground each rep)
8 Plyo Pushup to 45/25lb Plate (plates outside hands, pushup, hands land on plate, step hands back down)
Rest 1:1