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  • Coach Arnold


August 2, 2016: Competition

Strength: A) Strict press in jerk: 4 sets of 4 B) Clean and Jerk: Every 2 min. Work to a heavy double for the day...

August 1, 2016: Competition

Complete In Order Strength: A) Snatch Balance: Work to heavy double in 5 sets B) Snatch: Every 90 sec. Work to a heavy double for...

August 1, 2016: Weightlifting

Complete in the Following Order A) Snatch up to a heavy non-maximal single in prep for max this Saturday B) Clean and Jerk up to...

Competition: July 30, 2016

Complete In Order Strength: A) Snatch to max B) CJ to max C) Find max triple in FS Conditioning: 25 min. AMRAP -100 m empty...

Weightlifting: July 30, 2016

Complete in the Following Order A) Sotts Press: 4 heavy triples B) Snatch: Work up to old max C) Press in Split: 4 heavy triples...

Friday Devotional: Motives For Work

It is easy in the Christian life to believe that once we are Christians we must continually work to earn God’s affection. This could not...

Weightlifting: July 29, 2016

Complete in the Following Order A) Snatch no hook no feet: Work up to medium, non-challenging single B) Snatch Pull: 3,2,2,1,1 adding weight each set...

Competition: July 29, 2016

Complete In Order Strength: A) Bench Press: 4×8 @ 85% of 8RM from last week B) BS: Work up to heavy double and complete 4...

Weightlifting Wednesday: Vertical Jerk

Hey guys here’s our next edition of weightlifting Wednesday. The video cut off halfway through the analysis so both videos are below be sure to...