The more you understand the full dynamic of CrossFit, the more you understand how absolute core strength directly effects everything. Speaking from personal experience, when I have put a strong emphasis on core strength, focusing mainly on gymnastics movements, I see a direct improvement with everything. Below is a list I wrote up with the intentions that an individual would pick 3-4 movements and perform them 3 times/week. There are many ways to strengthen the core, but these are straightforward and set up in a tabata format.
-TB L- sit on the rings
-TB hollow rocks holding a med ball
-TB hollow hold hanging from rings
-TB handstand hold, chin and toes to the wall
-TB planks (think hollow) holding up one leg and the opposite arm
-TB v ups
It’s really so simple a 4 year old can do it. You simply need to make time to incorporate it.
Happy Monday!
Coach Poppa