Hey guys. New cycle with some new focus. There will be a blog coming that breaks this down a bit further. However, this next 12 weeks is a strength focus. 3 days of strength focus in multiple areas. 1 day of lifting from positions and 1 day of lifting from the floor. At week 10 you will do 4 days of lifting from the floor to bring back your timing and rhythm then we will max. Should be fun. Good luck!
Complete In The Following Order
A) FS: 60/5, 65/5, 70/5, 75/5*3 sets
B) Push Press: 4×5 building to a 5RM
C) Power Jerk: 60/5, 65/5, 70/5, 75/5*3 sets
D) Clean Grip Romanian Deadlift (RDL): Based off clean max: 85/5*6 sets
E) BS: @ 75% of FS Max complete 1 set Max Reps