Complete in The Following Order:
A) Muscle Snatch: 40/6, 45/5, 50/4, 55/3, 60/2, 65/1, if easy continue to heavy single
B) BLocks @ knee: Snatch Pull + Snatch: 60/3, 65/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/2, 75/3, 85/2, 75/3, 88/2
C) Jerk Grip OHS: 4×5 @ light fast weight for warmup and mobility
D) Blocks @ knee: Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk (first rep # is clean pull + clean, second rep # is jerk): 60/3+1, 70/3+1, 75/3+1, 80/2+1, 75/3+1, 83/2+1, 75/3+1, 86/2+1