We’ve talked a lot about skill transfer, and how becoming efficient at one thing can lead to improvement and efficiency in others, so today I want to briefly touch on how increased strength and capacity in some basic gymnastics conditioning can actually help your split jerk.
I’m sure there are many of you out there who are inconsistent in your jerk. Perhaps you lose the bar in front or in back of you, or you are all over the map in the amount of weight you can get overhead. This may have nothing at all to do with strength, but may have everything to do with shoulder instability.
Performing static handstand holds, forcing your shoulders to stabilize and support your own body weight will train your shoulders to be ready when you jerk a barbell over head. The alignment of these two movements is nearly the same. This is merely one example, but the same could be said of a L-sit hold on the rings.
As you move through today’s conditioning, instead of thinking you are simply strengthening your shoulders, think about the benefits you will see in other area’s of your Crossfit, outside of simply gymnastics movements.
3 rnds:
:30sec max effort HS Hold
:30sec max effort ring pushups
:30 sec max effort L sit on the rings
Rest 1 min
Keep fighting the good fight!
Coach Poppa