A) BN Jerk + Jerk Grip OHS: 50-60/3+1*3
B) CJ up to 85/1*3
C) Clean Pull: EMOM x 4 min: 2 @ 100%
A) Push Press: 3×3 @ 80% of 1RM from last week
B) Bent Over Row: 3×5
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
A) BN Jerk + Jerk Grip OHS: 50-60/3+1*3
B) CJ up to 85/1*3
C) Clean Pull: EMOM x 4 min: 2 @ 100%
A) Push Press: 3×3 @ 80% of 1RM from last week
B) Bent Over Row: 3×5