Complete In The Following Order
A) Jerk Dips: 120/3*4 sets
B) Blocks: Snatch Triple from top of knee to ME + 3 sets @ 5-10kg less than ME
C) Close Stance BS: 3×10 @ 65% of clean max
D) DB Bench Press: 3×10
E) Med Ball Russian Twist: 4×15 e/s (14/10)
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Complete In The Following Order
A) Jerk Dips: 120/3*4 sets
B) Blocks: Snatch Triple from top of knee to ME + 3 sets @ 5-10kg less than ME
C) Close Stance BS: 3×10 @ 65% of clean max
D) DB Bench Press: 3×10
E) Med Ball Russian Twist: 4×15 e/s (14/10)