A) From the ground: 3 Jerks any way (power or split): 60 sec to complete the work, 15 sec transition time to change the weights; 8 sets to work to max triple; rest 2 min after 8th set and complete part B
B) Drop 40% from heaviest triple and complete the following: 3 Rounds: 10 Shoulder to OH, 10 GHD Situps, 100m row sprint
A1) Bench Press: 3×4 @ 80% of heavy single from last week, rest as needed
A2) Weighted Ring Dips: 3×5 AHAP, rest as needed
For time
20 GTO (95/65)
20 HR Pushups
50 DU
1 min rest walking
15 GTO (115/75)
15 Clapping Pushups
40 DU
1 min rest walking
10 GTO (135/95)
10 Ring Pushups
30 DU