A) Split Jerk: 80/1*8 sets, rest as needed THEN 1 ME set for reps
B) Complete the following: 60% x 1 Push Press x 20 sec x 9 sets; last set ME reps
A1) Weighted Strict Pullups: 6,5,4,3,2,1, rest 90 sec
A2) Strict HSPU: 10,8,6,4,2,1 increase deficit each set as able, rest 90 sec
Complete the following:
12-9-6: OHS (135/95) + GHD Situps
Rest 1:1
9-6-3: OHS (165/115) +Burpee Box Over Jumps (24/20)
rest 1:1
3-2-1: OHS (185/135) + Rope Climbs