A) Tall Clean: 3 sets of 5 @ 50%
B) Clean + Jerk every 90 sec: 60/1+3, 65/1+3, 70/1+2, 75/1+2, 80/1+2, 85/1+1, 75/1+3
C) EMOM x 6 min: Clean Pull @ 100% x 3+8 TTB
A1) Bench Press: 5×3 ascend in weight for the first two sets, complete last 3 sets at one heavy weight, rest 60-90 sec
A2) Inverted Row Supinated Grip (upside down pulling yourself to bar as it sits in the rack with reverse grip): 5 sets of 30 sec ME reps, rest 90 sec
AMRAP in 6 min:
6 Cleans (165/115) full squat
8 Ring Dips
Rest 6 min
AMRAP in 6 min:
12 Vertical Bell KB Swings (70/53)
200m sprint