Hello everyone,
We are going to start the movement posts back up this week publishing some extra credit work three days a week. All of the work written is designed as ‘finishers’, added to the end of your workouts. Don’t stress about this work but strive for perfect movement and perfect positions. It will be quick and concise.
Our goal is better, not just more. We will start with some general strengthening and position work and move to more advanced movements in time. Staying consistent with this work will help your lifts, your workouts, and won’t hurt the way you look when pool season rolls around.
Post your questions, comments, and results! Get it!
Super Sets – 6 total sets
a) 1 min. tabata Hollow rocks
b) 10 pigeon toed Monster Walk steps with band (10 steps in each direction)
c) 10 Band Pull Aparts (no rib flare)