A) Power Clean + Power Jerk + Clean + Split Jerk (bar has to stay in your hands for the entire complex and cannot rest on the ground): 10 min to work to max for compelx in a minimum of 5 attempts
B) Deadlift: Every 30 sec x 12 min: 3 reps @ 60%
5 Rounds:
3-5 Strict HSPU
50 Double Unders
7-10 HSPU
Rest 45 sec, if you reach failure stop the round rest a full 4 min and start that round over again
AMRAP in 6 min:
12 Toes To Bar
50ft HS Walk
12 KB Thrusters (53/35)
Rest 6 min
AMRAP in 6 min:
15 Cal Row
5 Power Snatch (115/75)