Mike and I have been out in Cali with the athletes since yesterday prepping and working through some last minute movements and details as the workouts get announced.
We are currently sitting at the athlete hotel waiting on the announcement of the Wednesday morning beach workout. The workouts that have been released so far look spectacular and are good reminders of classic Crossfit. The sled push is a great test of lactate buffering. The muscleup biathlon may be one of the most strategic events I have ever seen AND carries such a high risk/reward value that following a plan despite your surroundings and your hunger to push harder will be crucial. I expect to see some 18-19 minute 3 miles runs on the triples and some athletes ruin their workout with the row. The midline march and is just dirty.
Obviously my favorite event so far is the OHS max. They have set this workout up beautifully. It’s from the rack so some serious weight is going to go overhead. I’m expecting a female 300# and a make 400#. The best part about it however is that there are 15 athletes on the floor at a time and only one rack and only one person can lift at a time before they get back in line. You are on the floor all by yourself with 3 attempts and at least 5 minutes rest between attempts. Smells like a weightlifting meet to me. There are going to be some athletes who flourish and out perform their capabilities because of that setup and there will be some who will crumble. The dynamic there will be a blast to coach and watch.
Emily and Jeff are all tuned up and have practiced what we can. Tomorrow I am going to release some videos of their unique way of getting the bar overhead for the OHS and talk about the advantages and disadvantages to each way along with the technique that Mike and I use to complete the workout.
It all starts tomorrow.