Many of you read my “method” for cutting weight in yesterday’s blog. Not surprisingly many of you reacted negatively toward the body type that God has gifted me with and the speed of my metabolism. Unfortunately, that is a gift I plan to leverage and use until it is no longer effective.
However, one of my fellow training partners and 69kg competitor, Dutch Lowy had a few more choice words to say about my view on weight cutting. He wrote a response to my previous post. His response should be titled: “Weight Cut for the Normal Human”
From Dutch:
Spencer is an anomaly in more ways than one. First, he is really skinny BUT really strong. We call it skinny strength. Second, his body doesn’t carry much weight, it wants to be skinny for some reason.
For those that can relate to being skinny, cutting weight is not an issue as Spencer says in his article. His poor diet also contributes to the ease with which he can cut from what I think is like 75kg to 69kg in 4 weeks of “eating Clean”.
I read this and just shake my head due to me not being skinny and my body not wanting to lose weight when I want it to. This is why i an writing this article for you.
I’ll give it to you straight as I am also 5 days out and need to cut from 72.5 kg on Thursday night (thanksgiving was painful but i enjoyed enough food) to 69kg on Saturday Afternoon.
I generally eat alot of food throughout the day. I have a “job” that allows for alot of flexibility in my schedule and as a result I find myself eating pretty much all day. Generally every 2-3 hours. Because of this I end up eating massive amounts of food. In order to cut weight, 2 weeks out I start to limit my food consumption to 3-4 times a day. I eat to satisfaction but not fullness.
1 week out I have cut carbs quite a bit but not completely as well as forcing myself to wait 3-5 hours between meals. This is painful for me as I am usually hungry 2 hours after eating. In order to counteract my hunger I will drink some BCAAs once or twice a day. This keeps me from feeling so light headed and weak.
Like Spencer my breakfast is bigger than other meals but not by much. Again eat to satisfaction, not fullness. I will also go a little lower on the fat this week but i’m not as concerned with that as overall food intake.
The most important thing about cutting weight is to track your weight morning before eating and night before bed. You have to know what you lose while you are sleeping so you can know what you need to go to bed at the night before comp. For us, since we lift at 3pm (weigh in at 1) its not quite as important but if you lift at 10 you better know what you will wake up at so you don’t have to wake up at 4 am to cut weight.
The last piece of cutting weight is trying to maintain strength and energy throughout the week. I have a job and a kid and have to be able to function during the week or life will fall apart. I know that if i wake up at 70.0 kg or below on Saturday, I can sweat out 1 kg and not have much strength loss after rehydrating so thats what I plan to do.
I hope this helps you regular folk that need to cut weight.
4 days out…