A) Snatch: EMOM x 3 min: 3 reps @ 50%, 60%, 70%, rest 1 min; EMOM x 3 min: 2 reps @ 75%, 80%, 85%, rest 1 min; EMOM x 4 min: 1 rep @ 90%, 95%, 100%, 100%+ (one attempt only)
B) BS: EMOM x 4 min: 3 reps @ 85%
Complete the following complex x 4 sets without coming off the rings: 5-7 Deadhang Chest to Ring Pullups + ME-1 (just before failure) MU + 3-6 Ring Dips @ top, rest 3 min
1 min ME Double Unders
20 Alt Pistols AFAP
rest 30 sec
1 min ME TTB
20 Alt Pistols AFAP
rest 30 sec
1 min ME Burpees
20 Alt Pistols AFAP
rest 30 sec
1 min ME Box Jump Overs (24/20)
20 Alt Pistols AFAP
rest 30 sec
1 min ME Wall Ball (20/14)
20 Alt Pistols AFAP