A) From The Rack: Jerk every 60 sec: 50/5, 60/4, 70/3, 80/2, 85/1, 90+/1*3 sets; rest 3 min and complete part B
B) Drop 50% from heaviest make and complete the following every 60 sec x 3 sets: Push Press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk: 6+3+1, all touch and go, all unbroken
A1) Bench Press: 3×5 @ 75% of heavy single from last week, rest as needed
A2) Weighted Bench Pull, clean grip: 3×12 AHAP, rest as needed; Demo
Running Clock:
3 Rounds:
10 Deadlift (265/155)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
3 Rounds:
6 Hang Power Clean (225/135)
12 Alt Pistols
3 Rounds:
8 Power Snatch (135/95)
25 Pullups