A) BN Jerk: 60/5, 70/4, 80/3, 90/2*3 sets, rest as needed
B) Every 45 sec complete the following: @ 40% of Jerk: 3 Push Press (from ground) + 50ft OH Carry x 6 sets
A1) Front Rack Step-Ups (20″/16″): 4 sets of 5 each leg, rest 60 sec
A2) Tall Box Jumps: 4 sets of 5, increase in height each set but don’t get crazy here, rest as needed
4 Rounds:
1 Min Max Cal Row
1 Min Max Wallball (30/20)
1 min Max Ring Dips
1 min Max Burpee Box Jump Over
no rest, continous for all 4 rounds. Record total rep count per round. Score is lowest round.