A1) Bench Press: 3×5 to 5RM then -5% x 5, -10%x5
A2) Weighted Ring Row: 5×12
A) 4 sets – 8 lateral wall HS walks in each direction
B) 4 attempts at 20 ft. zig zag HS Walk (offset 4 cones or plates ~2 feet)
C) After conditioning- 4×6-10 Glute ham raises
Complete for time:
2k row
then break up the following however you want to complete all reps:
100 HR Pushups
100 GHD Situps
100 Pullups
100 Vertical Bell KB Swing (70/53)
*the goal is to simply never stop moving so pick sets and reps that allow you to move at low intensity but constantly