A) Clean Pull + Clean + FS + Jerk: Every 90 sec complete 2+1+1+1: in 5 sets find a max for the complex, then drop 10% and complete 2 sets of the same complex with no time domain
B) DL Clusters: 3.2.1 x 4 sets @ 80%, rest 15 sec between reps, and 2 minutes between sets
A) 4 sets of 90 sec. Tripod HS hold
B) 4-5 sets – 6L+6R+6L+6R lateral HS steps (legs against wall)
C) After conditioning: Accumulate 75 Abmat situps + 75 hip extensions (split as desired)
8 Rounds:
12 Cal Row
7 GTO (165/115)
rest 2:1