Complete in Order:
A) 3 sets of:
- 350m row
- 10 goblet squats (2sec pause in bottom )
- 10 russian KB swings
B) 10-15 minutes of mobility of your choice
A) Tempo Front Squat
- 6,4,2,6,4,2
- tempo = 22X1
- rest 2-3 minute between sets
B) 3 sets
- 5 single-leg squat off box/leg (hold KB in front rack)
- opposite foot should barely tap ground as depth is reached
- (rest 60-seconds)
- 5 front rack barbell reverse lunge/leg (alternate)
- (rest 90-seconds)
A) 3x 1000m row @ 75-80% (rest walk 3min between sets)
- goal = get faster each set
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