A. Aerobic Work
4x1000m Row
(rest 2 minutes between)
B. Clean Work
Blocks Below Knee:
Clean Pull + Clean,
every 90 sec:
50/2, 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2
C. Conditioning
Death by:
Bar Facing Burpee + Thruster (95,65)
1/1, 2/2, 3/3, etc
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
A. Aerobic Work
4x1000m Row
(rest 2 minutes between)
B. Clean Work
Blocks Below Knee:
Clean Pull + Clean,
every 90 sec:
50/2, 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2, 85/2
C. Conditioning
Death by:
Bar Facing Burpee + Thruster (95,65)
1/1, 2/2, 3/3, etc