For the Free & Premium programs, this marks the start of the final buildup to the American Open qualifiers. The final day to Qualify for the American Open is Sunday, Oct. 23. We are assuming most of you will attempt to qualify that weekend or the weekend before. The Power and Grace (Free & Premium) Weightlifting Programs will have two more mesocycles plus a taper, with the target competition/max day on the 15th or 16th, but will easily adjust for those needing to qualify on the 22nd or 23rd. We will cover that adjustment when the taper starts. For those already qualified for the American Open, we highly suggest you contact us regarding individualized programming so we can maximize your training for competition!
A) Front Squat: Find Heavy Single for the Day
B) Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch + Snatch: Work up to 3 sets of 1+1+1 at a heavy but perfect weight
C) Snatch Pull + Low Hang Pull: 95/1+1×5 sets
D) 5 Sets of 8 Tall Box Jumps