141109: Competition, Weightlifting
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Rest Day … [Read more...]
Strength:A1) Jerk Drives: 90-100/2*6 sets (bar must get to eyebrow level), rest as neededA2) L-Sit on Rings x 20-30 sec x 6 sets, rest as neededSkill:A1) Bench Press: 4x2 @ one heavy weight rest 90 secA2) Bent Over Row Static Hold @ sternum x 30 sec … [Read more...]
Strength:A) Power Snatch + Snatch: 1+1, TNG, 8 sets ascending to max for complex in 8 minB) Clean Only: Every 60 sec: 50/5, 60/3, 70/2, 80/1, 85/1, 90/1, 70/2, 75/1, 85/1, 90/1, 95/1, 100/1, 80/3*3C) Pause BS: 80/2*4 sets, rest as neededSkill:3 … [Read more...]
Rest DayBorn This Day: (Starting a new idea)Friends of Power and Grace:Robert HoelscherRobert Hendrickson … [Read more...]
Strength:A) DL: 3 reps touch and go @ 80% +2-3 UB MU every 60 sec x 3 sets; rest 2 min; 3 reps touch and go @ 85% + 2-3 UB MU x 3 setsB) FS: Every 60 sec: 50/5, 60/3, 70/3, 80/2, 85/1*3 sets, 90/1, 95/1*2 sets, 80/8*1 setSkill:none, included in … [Read more...]
Strength:A) From the rack: Power Jerk + Split Jerk: 1+1 * 8 sets every 60 sec to maximal effort on the complexSkill:A1) Weighted Pullups: 6x3, AHAP, rest 60 secA2) Every other set of Pullups: ME Strict HSPU, rest 30 sec, ME Kipping HSPU, rest 2 … [Read more...]
ECC Qualifier Week 1Strength:If you plan to enter the ECC Championship Online Qualifier then complete it first before any other work today. Also Do not compelte the snatch work for today as the 5RM Hang Snatch will take its place. Remember to … [Read more...]
Rest DayBorn This DayNelly"It's gettin' hot in here..." … [Read more...]
Strength:A1) Jerk Dip with 5 sec pause at bottom of dip: 100/2*4 sets, no restA2) Hollow Rock Hold x 45 sec*4 sets, rest 60 secSkill:A1) Bench Press: 4,4,2,2, rest 90 sec ascend in weight each set, no restA2) Bar MU: 3 set of ME reps immediately … [Read more...]
Strength:A) Snatch ladder: Starting at 50% add 10#/5# every 60 sec until failB) Clean + Hang Clean Ladder: 1+1: start @ 50% add 20#/10# every 60 sec until failC) Jumping BS: Complete 6 reps @ 40% AFAP, rest 30 sec x 3 setsSkill:noneConditioningFor … [Read more...]
Rest DayBorn This DayEzra Pound"A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.""Genius... is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one." … [Read more...]
Strength:A) DL: 3 reps touch and go @ 80% + 4-6 UB Ring Dips every 60 sec x 6 setsB) FS: Every 60 sec: 60/2, 70/2, 80/2, 85/1*3 sets, 90/1*3 setsSkill:HS Walk Practice: Pick a distance that is challenging for you to reach, complete 5 sets … [Read more...]
StrengthA) BN Jerk + Jerk: 85/1+1*4 sets THEN (from ground) 3 TNG Power Jerk @ 60% + 25 DU every 60 sec x 5 minSkill:A1) Strict Chinups: 3x8, weight as able, rest 60 secA2) Weighted Pistols: 3x10 e/l, weight the pistols as hard as possible (KB, Front … [Read more...]
Strength:A) Snatch: Every 90 sec: 60/4+5 Burpee Pullups, 70/3+5 Burpee Pullups, 75/2+5 Burpee Pullups, 80/2+5 Burpee Pullups, 85/1+5 Burpee Pullups, 90/1+5 Burpee Pullups, 85/1+5 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24), 80/2+5 Burpee BJ, 75/2+5 Burpee BJ, 70/3+5 … [Read more...]
Rest DayBorn This DayHillary Clinton"The American people are tired of liars and people who pretend to be something they're not.":) … [Read more...]