A) 10 min. EMOM – 5 perfect kips on bar + 10 sec. hold w/ chin over bar
B) 6 sets – 6 TTB + 6 CTB
C) 4 min. Tabata – False grip hold on bar (place a towel/LAX ball in each hand)
D) Accumulate 150 Hollow rocks
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
A) 10 min. EMOM – 5 perfect kips on bar + 10 sec. hold w/ chin over bar
B) 6 sets – 6 TTB + 6 CTB
C) 4 min. Tabata – False grip hold on bar (place a towel/LAX ball in each hand)
D) Accumulate 150 Hollow rocks