A1) Bench Press: 5×10 reps, all sets must be non-stop fast reps, no rest
A2) 5×5 tempo chinup @ 51X0, rest 90 sec
B) BN Jerk with 2 sec pause in split: 60/2, 65/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/2*3 sets
A) Death By strict Hollow position PU
B) 4 supersets
1) 6 clapping pushups or plyometric pushups
2) 10 single leg straddle raises (e/l)
C) 4 min running clock – Accumulate as many GHD situps as possible (stop at 75)
6 Rounds:
10 DL @ 65% of Clean Max
50ft Front Rack Lunge (115/75)
10 Lateral Box Hops (one feet stays on the top of the box every rep @ 18"/12")
Rest 45 sec