A) 5 sets of 5 e/leg alternating – Hollow candlestick roll to pistol
B) 10 min. EMOM all with towel between feet – 2 Hollow/arch swings + 2 MU + 2 Dips to support
C) 5 sets – 6 russian dips + 15-30 sec. L-sit hold
D) 80 Sprawl situps
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
A) 5 sets of 5 e/leg alternating – Hollow candlestick roll to pistol
B) 10 min. EMOM all with towel between feet – 2 Hollow/arch swings + 2 MU + 2 Dips to support
C) 5 sets – 6 russian dips + 15-30 sec. L-sit hold
D) 80 Sprawl situps