Complete In The Following Order
A) Drop Snatch, move feet from starting position to 1in boards: 40/3, 50/3, 55/3, 60/3
B) Hang Snatch: Find max triple (you may drop the bar between reps as needed) then 3×2 @ snatch from the floor @ max triple hang snatch weight
C) Snatch Pull, pause at knee: 90/5, 95/4, 100/3*3 sets
D) Back Squat: 60/8, 70/7, 75/6, 80/5, 83/4*4 sets
E1) Strict Chinups: 3×6 with a 3 sec pause at the top of every rep
E2) GHD Russian Twists: 3×15 each side with a medball