Hey guys new 9 week cycle starts today. It's nine weeks focused on the full lifts. This cycle will limit any real absolute strength focus and primarily focus on power in the strength lifts as well as timing and repetition in the lifts. Every lift will be done with self-regulation meaning you will work to max effort attempts either in the complex listed or in the required number of repetitions. After hitting a max for the given sets and reps there will often be drop sets to be completed at a percentage decrease from the max lift. FOCUS ON THE DROP SETS. The drop sets are where tecnique is perfect, timing refined, and comfortability created. 9 weeks of fun. Have some fun with this cycle because after this cycle we will likely be heading in a nasty strength cycle.
Complete In The Following Order
A) Snatch Push Press: 60/5, 70/5, 75/5, 80/5
B) 3 Position Snatch (Floor, Hang, Hip): In 6 sets work to max for complex (within 25% from 1st set to 6th set) then complete 5 singles in the snatch @ final weight from 3 Position Snatch.
C) Snatch Pull to sternum heigh (use a pvc pipe as measurea as able): 85-90/5*4 sets
D) Back Squat: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/3, 85/2, 88/2*3 sets
E1) Strict Pullups: 3×10
E2) Weighted V-Ups: 3×15