A) 5 sets of 10 Perfect hollow/arch kips on rings
B) 14 min EMOM – 2 Candle stick rolls + 2-5 Ring MU as able
C) 4 supersets
c1- 6-10 strict dips as able
c2- 10 hollow v-ups
c3- 30 sec. Arch hold on rings
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
A) 5 sets of 10 Perfect hollow/arch kips on rings
B) 14 min EMOM – 2 Candle stick rolls + 2-5 Ring MU as able
C) 4 supersets
c1- 6-10 strict dips as able
c2- 10 hollow v-ups
c3- 30 sec. Arch hold on rings