A) 2 Position Clean: Floor, Hang (knee): 10 minutes to find a max in the complex must start with an empty bar and complete a minimum of 5 sets
B) EMOM x 10 min:
odd min: 3 DL from 3in riser @ 75%-85%, drop every rep from the top
even min: GHD Hip Extension, weighted as able x 8 reps
A) Warmup – 4 perfect wall walks holding straight body
B) 6 sets
– 20 ft HS walk to wall, reestablish straight body and hold for 10 sec.
C) 4 sets
– 10 L/R/both legs – sitting straddle raise
– 10 Push up walk-overs: DEMO
Every 3 minutes on the minute x 24 minutes:
10 OHS (115/75)
4 Burpee Over
*modify weight or reps as needed to be completed around 60 sec per round