Superset 5 – rounds (stay hollow in each)
A1) 8 strict Pullups + 10 sec hold w/ chin over bar
A2) 6 Russian Dips
B) 5-7 rounds as able (focus on consistency of the kip)
– 3 Kipping PU
– 5 Butterfly PU
– 15 sec. L-sit hold
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Superset 5 – rounds (stay hollow in each)
A1) 8 strict Pullups + 10 sec hold w/ chin over bar
A2) 6 Russian Dips
B) 5-7 rounds as able (focus on consistency of the kip)
– 3 Kipping PU
– 5 Butterfly PU
– 15 sec. L-sit hold