Introducing: War Games, A Competition Simulator.
- December 27, 2024
Step 1: You love weightlifting and competing and want to become a coach to help others
Step 2: You get your certifications and feel ready to take on the...
Building Remote Team Culture
- September 27, 2024
Introduction Online coaching had been on the rise for a while near the end of the 2010s. Then like everything, it hit the fan during COVID. Everyone (and their mom)...
It’s Time We Adapt: Utilizing Auto-Regulation in Olympic Weightlifting
- July 26, 2024
Introduction Soviet Russia did a lot of things wrong, but there were a few gems to come out of that time period . One of those gems being nearly all...
It’s More than Time Under Tension: The Use of Eccentrics for Olympic Weightlifting
- July 14, 2024
Eccentric (ECC) muscle action: the active lengthening of muscle tissue against an external force or load.
In the world of weightlifting, and the world of strength training in general,...
Leveraging Post-Competition Data: 2024 AO1 case example
- March 25, 2024
Thus far, most of these blogs have been centered around using data to facilitate an athlete’s training, namely through monitoring fatigue and physical adaptations. However, there is another valuable way...
Jump Testing Using Force Plates: More Than Jump Height
- February 5, 2024
In our previous blogs discussing athlete monitoring initiatives, most examples have revolved around the weekly jump testing we perform at HQ every Saturday on our dual force plates. Whilst not...
Sports Nutrition: The Unique Needs of Female Athletes
- October 27, 2023
Introduction The introduction of Title IX had a considerably profound impact on women’s sports. This legislation, issued in 1972, ensured that female athletes would have the same opportunities as their...
Purposeful Fatigue: How Data Can Put The Coach and Athlete At Ease.
- September 22, 2023
An adequate training plan in weightlifting commonly requires periods of training that will likely attenuate components of performance that are associated with sporting success. For instance, brief periods (~1-2 weeks)...
Team Update 🦁
- September 1, 2023
Hey P&G Family! It’s been a fun Summer, and it’s been so fun to watch our team compete in all different levels of competition. From local meets, to USAW National...
Directing The Data: A Guide To Problem Solving In Sport Science
- August 25, 2023
When a weightlifting coach begins building an athlete’s training plan, they typically have a direction that will hopefully lead to a desired conclusion (e.g., greater squatting focus in weeks 4-8...
Uncertainty is Certainly Important in Athlete Monitoring
- August 4, 2023
In a previous blog where I spoke on the necessity of an SOP for any athlete testing initiative, I touched on how the SOP likely helps limit measurement error, or...
Controlling the Error
- July 21, 2023
If you have been following Power & Grace’s Instagram or this blog, you will notice we have been starting to provide more information and content on how our coaches use...