A) Snatch to Max in 12 min (3 misses allowed above 90%) then complete EMOM x 6min: 3 Touch and Go reps @ 60%
* no straps on drop down sets
B1) Snatch Grip RDL into high pull: 85% x 5 reps x 4 sets, rest 60 sec
B2) Batwing Bench Hold with KB x 45 sec AHAP, rest 60 sec DEMO
5 Rounds:
30 UB Double Unders + 12 pistols alternating each rep, rest 30 sec
* if you fail @ DU before 30 start the DU overs
Opens Practice:
12 min running clock:
1k row
4 Rounds:
10 Deadlift (155/105)
5 Shoulder To Overhead (155/105)
10 Burpee to 6in target
in remaining time (if any):
complete max meters rowing.
*score is meters of final row