Strength:nA) Snatch to max in 12 min (on 2nd miss you’re done)nB) Then Rest exactly 2 min before completing n3 Rounds: ME Snatch in 60 sec @ 60%, rest 3 min
Skill:nA1) Weighted Chinup: 5,4,3,2,1 rest 90 secnA2) Weighted Dip: 5,4,3,2,1 rest 90 sec
Conditioning:nAMRAP in 6: n5 Power Clean (165/115)n10 Wall Balln10 HR Pushups
Rest 6 min
AMRAP in 6:n5 Front Squats (165/115)n10 Toes To Barn4 Alternating DB Snatch E/A (70/55)