Weightlifting:nA) CJ to max (2 misses allowed)nB) Clean Pull x 3 @ 10% more than max x 3 sets
Strength:nA) Squat Jumps (Bar on back, squat, jump just enough to leave ground): 50/4*3 setsnB) Incline DB Bench Press: 10, 8, 6 *increase weight each set
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Weightlifting:nA) CJ to max (2 misses allowed)nB) Clean Pull x 3 @ 10% more than max x 3 sets
Strength:nA) Squat Jumps (Bar on back, squat, jump just enough to leave ground): 50/4*3 setsnB) Incline DB Bench Press: 10, 8, 6 *increase weight each set