Strength:nA) Snatch from blocks @ top of knee + OHS: 3 sets of 3+3 @ 75%-80%, rest 90 secnB) EMOM x 6 min: Snatch Grip Deadlift x 5 @ Max + 6 Toes To BarnC) BS: 60/6, 65/6, 70/2*6 sets, rest 60 sec all squats completed with no rest at the top
nSkill and Conditioning:n1600m run buy-in
Fittest Games Workout 1n30 burpees over bar (parallel to bar)n50 ft HS Walk (25 down and back)n50 alternating pistolsn50 ft HS Walk (25 down and back)n30 burpees over bar (parallel to bar)