Strength:nA) Split Jerk From Rack: 5 sets of 1, ascending in weight each set to a heavy, non-maximal single in 8 minutes (no misses allowed)nB) Immediately after completing single drop the load 25% and complete 2 min ME Shoulder to Overhead.nC) BS: 70/2, 75/2, 80/3*6 sets, rest 60 sec between sets, no rest at the top of the squat
Skill: 4 setsnA1) Bench Press: 3 reps AHAP, NO RESTnA2) 30 ME Ring Dips, rest 2 min
Conditioning:nFor Time Complete
1k rown50 Vertical Bell KB Swings (70/53)n40 Wallball (30/20)n30 Toes To Barn500m rown40 KB Swingsn30 Wallballn20 Toes To Barn250m rown30 KB Swingsn20 Wallballn10 Toes To Bar