Open Week! Obviously the load will be lighter, but still existent. The squats will be maintenance as will the lifts. Time to do work!
Strength:nA) Snatch: Hip Snatch + Hang Snatch: 60/3+3, 65/3+3, 70/2+3*3 sets, rest 90 secnimmediately after last 90 sec rest completenB) EMOM X 5 min: 3 Snatch + 3 OHS @ 60%nC) BS: 60/5, 70/4, 80/4, 85/3*2 sets, rest 90 sec
Skill:n5 Rounds: 30 sec ME Bench Press @ Bodyweight + 30 sec ME Alternating Pistols, rest 60 sec
Conditioning:nAMRAP in 8: n200 m runn10 KB Swing, Vertical Bell (70/54)n10 Abmat Siutpsn