Weightlifting:nA) FS + Split Jerk: 60/3+3, 70/3+2, 75/3+2*3 setsnB) Snatch High Pull + Hang Power Snatch: 60/3+3, 70/3+2*4 sets
nStrength:nA) BS: 3×10 @ 70%nB) BN Snatch Grip Press: 2×10 AHAPnC) 3×10 strict toes to bar
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Weightlifting:nA) FS + Split Jerk: 60/3+3, 70/3+2, 75/3+2*3 setsnB) Snatch High Pull + Hang Power Snatch: 60/3+3, 70/3+2*4 sets
nStrength:nA) BS: 3×10 @ 70%nB) BN Snatch Grip Press: 2×10 AHAPnC) 3×10 strict toes to bar