Weightlifting:nA) Snatch @ Hip: 50/5, 60/4*3 setsnB) Snatch from blocks @ bottom of knee + Snatch from floor: 60/3+3, 70/2+2, 75/2+1, 80-85/2+1*5 sets
nStrength:nA) Good Mornings: 3×8 AHAPnB) Bent Over Row: 3×8 AHAP
Developing Power & Strength through the use of the Olympic Lifts.
Weightlifting:nA) Snatch @ Hip: 50/5, 60/4*3 setsnB) Snatch from blocks @ bottom of knee + Snatch from floor: 60/3+3, 70/2+2, 75/2+1, 80-85/2+1*5 sets
nStrength:nA) Good Mornings: 3×8 AHAPnB) Bent Over Row: 3×8 AHAP