For those of you out there following programming that is written by another person, you know the feeling of looking at your program for the day sometime early in the morning and rolling your eyes thinking there’s no way that’s possible. I’ve written some programs that I knew would get that reaction and I’ve completed some programming that I felt like was impossible. This evening I was faced with this challenge. I didn’t think one set was possible much less the completion of the entire workout. However as I write that blog the workout is complete from start to finish with no misses. I think there were three specific reasons this happened. These three reasons each of you reading this blog should be considering in your own training and maybe create for your own good.
1- Belief in the Program. It takes some real trust and some real guts to believe that the program sitting in front of you is the best thing you could be doing at that moment in time and it will help you achieve the best results you could possibly achieve. Belief in the program can be catalyst by which you find success. If you approach a workout or an exercise with even a small amount of mistrust that what you’re doing may not be the most beneficial thing for you, the results will definitely be misses. You will fail if you don’t believe what you’re doing is ultimately the best thing you could be doing for your athletic development. You have to believe your program. At all cost you must trust what is written down for you to complete. If you can’t do that, find a new program. However, I have to caution you against jumping program-to-program. Find one you can trust and stick with it. Don’t stick with it for a couple of months and don’t stick with it for a year. Believe and trust the program as a multi-year development program. Nothing good happens fast. Believe the program is best for your longevity and ultimate achievement over the course of your career.
2- Be Aggressive From Start to Finish. Don’t take any of the reps or any of the weights for granted. If you have heavy doubles give everything you got even on the first rep. The worst thing that can happen is you miss the first rep of a set of two because you’re already thinking about the second rep. Be focused on every movement, every time from the first warm up to the last set of work. Don’t take for granted the early sets or the early reps. Be perfect early and that will carry over to perfection in the heavy working reps.
3- Surround Yourself with Support. Why I completed the work tonight was primarily because of the people around me. Every time I approached that bar there were five or six or ten people that stopped what they were doing to support and lift me up. The training environment that I have at Crossfit Gwinnett with Kelly Williams and Caleb Williams and Christian Davila and Chad Goff and Jake Slaton and so many other people is an environment like no other. They knew the work that was set before me was something I believed impossible at the beginning of the day. They were there to help me realize the opposite. Training environment is of most importance to your growth. More important than programming. More important than coaching. The type of support you surround yourself with can ultimately be the catalyst by which you see success day in and day out. Tonight my gym, CrossFit Gwinnett, came through for me in the clutch. Without them this blog would probably be written very differently.
Believe what’s written on the paper. What seems impossible may not be. Caleb said to me today after I finished my last set that what I believed impossible at the beginning of the day was not only possible but was now completed. Most days this sport beats you down. Today was one of those rare opportunities to feel accomplished.