Complete in Order
A) Sotts Press: 4×4
B) Snatch: Every 60 sec: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/1, 85/1, 88/1
C) Clean and Jerk: Every 60 sec: 60/2, 70/2, 75/2, 80/1, 84/1, 88/1
D) BS: In 6 min: starting at 80% work up to 1RM
A) 4 min. Tabata – Banded ankle distraction
B) 12 min. EMOM
-E- 5 Hollow pos. Ring PU
-O- 10 Alt. Pistols
C) After Cond. -5 min. Tabata – Dragon flags
AMRAP in 2 min:
12 Deadlift (start at 225/155, add 20# each AMRAP)
8 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
* If you complete all the reps (20 total reps) before the time cap you will rest until the 2 minutes are up before beginning the next segment adding 20# to the deadlift weight