Complete in Order
5 Sets:
2 Rounds:
20 UB Wall Ball (20/14)
8 UB C2B Pullups
30 DU
rest 2 min after each 2 rounds
A) 3-4 attempts Max freestanding hold
– use a partner,bar, or band to kick up and establish straight body and hold
B) 4-6 sets
– 15 ft. HS walk to wall, reesteblish straight body, 5 lateral steps e/ direction
C)5 sets –
max reps Tripod Pos. headstand Leglifts (think L shape to vertical)
A) Clean + Hang Clean: 3 sets of 1+1 @ 85%, rest 90 sec
B) Clean Deadlift: 3×5 @ 110% of clean max, rest 60 sec