Complete in Order
AMRAP in 15 min:
30 Cal Assualt Bike
20 Shoulder to Overhead (115/75)
100ft Front Rack Walking Lunge (115/75)
rest 45 sec each round
A) 5 sets of .20-.30 sec – Hanging from bar, have partner press on T-spine to stretch/mobilize OH position
B) 4 sets – 50 ft. e/arm bottoms up KB walk (stay light enough to stay in control)
C) Not for time but stay steady 10-20-30-20-10 GHD situps from top only to parrellel (b/n each set perfrom 5 perfect 5 sec. tempo jerk grip OHS)
A) Jerk from rack: 5×3 @ 75%, rest 90 sec
B) BS: Every 90 sec x 4 sets: 4 reps @ 75%