Complete in Order
A) Sotts Press: 3×3 as warmup EMOM
B) Snatch: work up to 75% in 6 minutes and complete 3×3 every 90 sec
C) Press in Split: 3×3 as warmup EMOM
D) CJ: work up to 75% in 5 minutes and complete 3×2 every 90 sec
E) FS: EMOM: 60/3, 70/3, 75/3, 80/3, 85/3
A) 4 sets of 20 – high plank shoulder taps (no rotation)
B) 5 sets of 6-10 tempo kipping HSPU: 3 sec. descent from top + Kip up
Every 6 minutes x 4 sets:
800m run
6-10 Strict Pullups