The power clean is a double-edged sword when used in training. I’ve written an article on the benefit of the power lifts already but one of the more common traits I see when folks use the power movements, specifically the power clean, is that they tend to complete the lift differently. My rule of thumb is that if you going to miss a power move that you need to miss a power movement because you landed in a full squat. If you cannot land in a full squat or complete a full squat after completing the movement then the movement you are practicing is of no benefit to your lifts. One of the biggest advantages of using the power lifts outside of sustained leg drive is a focus on the footwork.
If you are completing power movements or they are part of your program it is important to remember that everything you do during them will create some effect on your full movements. The point of a power clean is not to see how much weight you can get from the floor to your chest. The point of power clean is to deload the full movement and while doing so also work on some of the more technical aspects of the full movement with a lesser load. Your footwork that should be the same, your pull off the floor should be the same, literally everything else about the lift besides the full squat should be exactly the same as if you are completing a maximal level attempt.
Here’s a good example of a PR power clean from Jason Hoggan at 300#. We have been working a time on his footwork and depth in the squat and here we see some of that work come into play. His feet however travel a little too wide for my liking BUT trust me when I tell you this is much improved.
That video is followed immediately by a near miss PR Clean and Jerk @ 315#. Notice the footwork in both.
Jason Hoggan 300# PR Power Clean
Jason Hoggan 315# Clean and Missed Jerk