Complete in Order |
Strength: |
A) Jerk w/3 sec pause in dip + Jerk: In 6 sets work to challenging 1+1 -then -10% and complete 1 split jerk every 45 sec x 6 sets |
B) Accumulate 2 min. overhead walking hold w/ 65-70% of 1rm strict press *use fatbar if possible *get overhead anyway *record total time |
C) FS: Work up to 80% and complete 4 sets of 5 with no time domain, rest as needed
D) BS: Unlocked reps (not allowed to fully extend your knees between reps): 4 sets of 4 @ 75% every 90 sec |
Skill |
A) 6 min alt. EMOM E- 1 perfect, steady, slow strict MU O- 6 perfect, tight hollow/arch kips on rings B) 8 min. EMOM C) 4 sets of 3 – top of TTB to Lsit/parellel back to top TTB D) 40 alt. Bird dogs |
Conditioning: |
4 rounds for time -800m run -100m sled drag (total weight = 60/40) -100m sled pull |