This week we take a deeper dive into the world of sprints with threshold runs. The pacing for each workout is specific to your own PRs. If run right, it should be easy to hit pacing goals for the first few runs, but should get progressively harder as the workout goes on. Don’t forget to head to to get access to the specific pacing and get in contact with the Endurance Coach.
A) P&G 400m Warm up:
B) 3 x 400m/200m.
Rest 2:00 between reps. Rest 4:00 between sets.
– 400 to be run at a pace slower than your 1 mile PR pace time.
– 200 to be at a pace faster than your 1 mile PR pace time.
(Head to and sign up for Power and Grace Endurance Programming for exact pacing prescriptions.)
C) Cool down with 400m jog