I am writing this blog post having just left the venue at 11 o’clock Saturday night. We completed a full day of lifting starting at 8 AM. Days like today are the reason I love coaching. We had multiple lifters in every single session today and between Jason Riggins, Eric Rosenstock, Lindsay Marshall, Melissa Knourek, and myself things went off flawlessly. I could not be happier with the results and the multiple PR’s that were set today. The ladies and the couple of masters guys that lifted today were exceptional. The amount of lifters that competed for Deep Barbell today is far beyond my counting skills therefore to recite their numbers and/or the lifters who did exceptionally well is impossible. I will try to make that happen on a later post.
Tonight I’m just thankful for the heart of my lifters and their desire for success. I saw multiple lifts that I could not have dreamed would have happened and yet they pulled them out. Thank you coaches for helping me help these lifters out. One of our sessions put me in a position to coach nine lifters at once. Were it not for my coaches there is no chance these lifters would have been given the opportunity for success that they had. Thanks guys.
There are two videos that I have to show you as a sneak preview to the videos coming. The first is Helen’s magnificent split clean. She is not a Deep Barbell athlete but watching her split clean this PR and smoke the jerk is worth your time.
Helen split clean
Secondly is Brittney Staley’s 78 kg PR clean and jerk to win the 69 female open division. Britney got in a car wreck this week injuring her shoulder but managed to push through a little instability and pain to take home a gold medal. Could not be more proud of the guts she showed in this lift.
Brittney Staley 78 kg clean and jerk